DNC Climate Council Statement in Response to the Murder of George Floyd and the Structural Racism, Injustice, and White Supremacy that Pollute our Country

The following statement was issued by Michelle Deatrick, Chair of the DNC Council on Environment & Climate Crisis.

We unequivocally condemn the killing of George Floyd, and stand with protestors in their calls for justice and their fight against police violence, racism and white supremacy. We stand, too, against the wider culture of racism that has for too long degraded our country and destroyed communities and lives. 

Sadly, racist violence is woven deeply into the fabric of America. It’s in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we use to grow our food. The toxic water in Flint is violence. The sky-high asthma rates in Black and Latinx communities is violence. The construction of toxic pipelines on tribal lands is violence. These forms of racist violence are preventable, yet they’re taking place in our country everyday.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party have not only failed to lead in this time of crisis, they have actively engaged in cruelty and fanned the flames of racist violence. Their policies have put greedy corporations and profits ahead of the health and wellbeing of our people and planet. 

We must stand up and we must fight back until the systems of racism and injustice that have polluted our country for so long are dismantled. 


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