Take Action
DNC Council on the Environment & Climate Crisis Meeting
The Council will be holding a meeting at the Democratic National Committee’s winter conference in National Harbor, Maryland between January 30 and February 2 (Date and Time TBA). Sign up for our email list for notifications and to stay updated!
Earth Month Mobilization
Get ready for Earth Month this April. Organize with us to elect democrats and act for our climate. Find or host an event near you to bring awareness to environmental issues, support climate candidates, and act for the Earth. Events can be virtual or in-person, held by grassroots, Democratic and other environmental groups!
This Is Why: Share Your Climate Story
Make a difference. Sharing personal stories is one of the most powerful ways to build support for policy and party.
We want to hear your story - and we can amplify on social media how the climate crisis has impacted you and your community. Take 15 minutes and share why the climate and environmental justice crisis are important to you and your community.
Our tax dollars support the climate crisis. Corporate polluters receive $20 billion+ in direct federal subsidies each year from the taxes we pay. This money contributes to the poisoning of our communities and the endangerment of people and planet while fossil fuel billionaires line their pockets. This must end.
Sign and share our petition to call for urgent Congressional action to end the subsidies now.