About the Council
The DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis is a permanent entity of the DNC, created in 2019 to ensure that the Democratic Party takes bold, ambitious action on the climate crisis and other environmental issues.
Our Challenges
Devastation caused by the climate crisis is already underway: Wildfires in California. Hurricanes and rising seas on our coasts. Flooded farms and homes in the Midwest. Blackouts in Texas. And it’s getting worse.
We’re talking with Democrats across the country, to understand the environmental issues of local communities—and how federal policy can best address them. We have less than nine years before devastating damage to our planet, country and people is inevitable and irreversible. And reversing the damage of the previous administration will not be quick nor easy.
The people we speak with know the house is on fire. And that it’s up to Democrats to act.
Our Work
Climate change is not coming: It is here. Now. And the Council is helping to spur the needed urgency in Washington and around the country for action. Because we don’t have a minute to waste.
President Biden ran as a climate champion. And from Day 1, he has launched a bold climate agenda. But he can’t do it alone. He needs Congress to act, and act boldly, and he needs support and engagement by the climate and environmental justice communities and voters
This is why we’re actively building out our organization across the country, working with and organizing activists across the country around environmental issues and how federal policy can best address them.
We are also striving to increase voter participation among climate and environment voters, and those impacted by these issues.
And we are advocating for an end to fossil fuel subsidies by our federal government, and for the urgent passage of federal legislation as well as executive actions to address the crisis.
Our Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity
For too long, solutions to the urgent environmental and climate issues facing us have left out the people most impacted by them. The Council is promoting inclusion, a just transition, and environmental justice in its policy-making framework.

Meet our Team
Our Council is made up of a diverse team of activists and organizers committed to acting on climate.
Past and Current Campaigns and Advocacy
Supporting a National Climate Emergency Declaration
Fighting Climate Misinformation
Supporting the Build Back Better Agenda
Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Supporting the End Polluter Welfare Act
Shutting Down Enbridge’s Line 5
Supporting a 2020 Presidential Primary Climate Debate