DNC Council On The Environment and Climate Crisis Congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden

Statement from Michelle Deatrick, Founder and Chair of the DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council and DNC Member from Michigan: 

“Today is a great day for the nation, the world and the environment. 

“Candidate Biden ran on the boldest ever climate platform and we look forward to working with President Biden to make that platform a reality. Joe Biden ran as a climate champion and won as a climate champion.

“Voters turned out in record numbers to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and when every vote is counted, we will see that voters have handed President Biden a mandate for a green, sustainable, and equitable future.

“Donald Trump was the worst president our country has ever had on climate and the environment. We look forward to working with President Biden and his administration to take the urgent and bold actions needed to return the U.S. to being a global leader on climate change and environmental justice.” 


Media Advisory: “What’s Next: Climate Agenda 2021” Roundtable


Joe Biden’s Victory in Michigan is a Win for Climate Action