Joe Biden is the Clear Winner of Last Night’s Debate

Statement from Michelle Deatrick, Founder and Chair of the DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council: 

“Joe Biden is the clear winner of last night's debate. He was informed, thoughtful and compassionate. We were delighted to hear him articulate so clearly his plan for rebuilding a sustainable economy with millions of green jobs. He spoke with understanding about environmental justice and the disproportionate impact of pollution on Black, Brown and Indigenous communities. He reaffirmed his commitment to ending the corporate welfare that props up the corrupt fossil fuel industry with unnecessary subsidies. And he reaffirmed an important emissions target: net zero emissions from electricity production by 2035.

In dramatic contrast, Donald Trump bragged about increasing oil production, and brushed off the idea that people living in the shadows of oil wells and refineries bear health risks -- suggesting instead that they are ‘making a lot of money.’ Consistent with his performance over the last four years, he offered neither acknowledgement nor a plan for addressing the harms of the climate crisis.”


Joe Biden’s Victory in Michigan is a Win for Climate Action


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