DNC Council on the Environment & Climate Crisis

Bold, ambitious action to address the climate crisis and other environmental issues

The Council is Working to Center Bold Climate Action and Policies in the Democratic Party


Advocate that the DNC and Democratic Party develop and adopt policies that address the climate crisis with the necessary courage and urgency.


Promote participation in the electoral process by people in the environmental and sustainability communities—and those in frontline communities.


Work with organizers and climate activists to ensure there are Democratic Party Environmental Caucuses or Councils in all states and territories.

What’s New

Events & Calls to Action

Climate news updates, events, and calls to action.

Latest newsletter.

Polling shows that voters want Democrats to run on climate and clean energy.


Climate is a Winning Issue for Democrats

DNC Council on the Environment & Climate Crisis Meeting

At the DNC Convening & Election in National Harbor, Maryland January 30-February 1 (Date and Time TBA).

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DNC Climate Council Mobilization Map

We’re organizing to elect democrats and act for our climate. Find or host an event near you to bring awareness to environmental issues, support climate candidates, and act for the Earth. Events can be virtual or in-person, held by grassroots, Democratic and other environmental groups!


Time is running out to address the climate emergency. If we continue to emit greenhouse gas at the current rate we will use up the carbon budget that would keep us below the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C of warming.

We already face devastating levels of climate harms. We must act in time.

Featured Council Videos

With stellar environmental, youth, climate, and labor leaders including DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, Jane Fonda, AFT President Randi Weingarten, Former Sierra Club President Ramón Cruz, Pennsylvania Representative (now Congresswoman) Summer Lee, and many more.

DNC Climate Council at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Meeting 1

Running on Climate: Lessons to Help Democrats Win in 2024

How Democrats Can Run on Climate and Win

DNC Climate Council at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Meeting 2

Youth Roundtable: The Climate Generation Unites

Climate Urgency, Awareness, and Literacy with Jane Fonda

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“Climate change is an alarm clock that’s been going off, ignored by those in power, for decades.”

— Michelle Regalado Deatrick

National Chairwoman, DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis

Latest News

From the DNC Climate Council

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