Statement from the DNC Climate Council Chair on Governor Whitmer’s Pledge to Make Michigan Carbon-Neutral by 2050

 The following statement is from Michelle Deatrick, Founder and Chair of the DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council and DNC Member from Michigan: 

“Governor Whitmer’s pledge to make Michigan carbon neutral by 2050 is a critically important first step towards addressing the climate crisis. With record-breaking flooding, the troubling and rapid warming of our beautiful Great Lakes, and increasingly unpredictable seasons for farming, Governor Whitmer clearly recognizes that the climate crisis isn’t something that’s coming, it’s here now. While bold action at the federal level is critical to addressing the climate crisis with the necessary urgency, governors across the country are stepping in to fill the leadership vacuum left by President Trump. The Trump Administration and Republicans at every level of government have done serious and lasting damage when it comes to our nation’s response to climate change – it’s up to Democrats like Governor Whitmer to take bold leadership in the moment and fight to preserve our beautiful state and country.” 


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