More than 50 Organizations Endorse the DNC Environment & Climate Crisis Council Policy Recommendations for the 2020 Democratic Party Platform 

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Since the launch earlier this month, a growing number of organizations are supporting the DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis’s new Policy Recommendations for the 2020 Democratic Party Platform. Currently, more than 50 organizations representing environmental, youth, health, grassroots and Democratic Party groups across the U.S. have endorsed the Council’s recommendations.

The recommendations are a sweeping set of policies for inclusion in the new four-year 2020 Democratic Party platform. These recommendations result from a three-month process that included a listening tour and meetings with environmental justice advocates, scientists, public health experts, members of frontline and vulnerable communities, engineers, educators, union members, artists, faith leaders, policy analysts, environmental architects, elected leaders, activists, and environmental lawyers from across America.

The diverse and wide-ranging organizations that have signed on in support include:

  • Greenpeace USA

  • Food & Water Action

  • 350 Action

  • Earth Action, Inc.

  • Friends of the Earth Action

  • Our Revolution 

  • Greening Georgia, the Environmental Caucus of the Georgia Democratic Party

  • Center for Earth Jurisprudence 

  • Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund

  • Friends of the Earth Action

  • California Young Democrats Environmental Caucus

  • Progressive Caucus of the North Carolina Democratic Party

  • Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus

  • Climate Health Now

  • Dēmos Action

  • 350 South Bay Los Angeles

  • Democratic Club of Claremont

  • Sunrise Movement-Kern Chapter

  • Northwest Detroiters for Social Justice

  • Progressive Democrats of America

  • The Greater Prince William Climate Action Network


See the full list of current supporters.

“We’re glad to see the DNC Climate Crisis Council stake a bold and much-needed new direction for the Democratic Party. It’s critical that candidates and elected officials champion a Green New Deal and a managed transition away from fossil fuels, including the end of federal permits, subsidies, and financing for oil, gas, and coal,” said Charlie Jiang, Greenpeace USA Climate Campaigner. “A world beyond fossil fuels — one that prioritizes justice for workers and communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis over corporate profit — is possible if our elected officials are willing to fight for us. We hope to see the many visionary and essential elements of this proposal included in the official DNC platform to be finalized in August." 

"The race to save ourselves will be uncomfortable if we start now. It may be unbearable if we wait. This document proposes policies to get us moving in an ambitious manner,” said Roy H. Taylor III, Chair, Greening Georgia - Environmental Caucus of the Democratic Party of Georgia. “When adopted by the Party into the Platform this work can support candidates up and down the ticket to push for these policies in all manner of legislation when they get elected."

"This is an extraordinary document. These policies reflect the urgent needs of our society and our planet while demonstrating a path into a healthy future," saidTammy Murphy, Medical Advocacy Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania.

"The breadth and depth of support for the recommendations confirms the desire of Democrats for bold, ambitious climate and environment policy in the 2020 Democratic Platform,” said Michelle Deatrick, the Chair of the DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis. “Environmental and Democratic Party organizations as well as youth, health, and grassroots groups across the U.S. are coming together to demand that the Democratic Party step up to being the party of climate solutions."




VIDEO: Head Of DNC Council On The Environment And Climate Crisis Testifies Before The Democratic Platform Committee And Calls For Bold And Ambitious Solutions To The Climate Crisis


Growing List of Organizations Join The DNC Environment & Climate Crisis Council In Demanding Bold And Aggressive Policies For Addressing The Climate Crisis In The 2020 DNC Platform