Past Council Events

Thursday, November 5, 2:00-3:00pm EST

ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate: What the Election Means for Climate Change

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 Our Chair Michelle Deatrick will be joining Bob Perkowitz, President of ecoAmerica, and Jerry Taylor, President of Niskanen Center, for a conversation about what the election means for climate change.

From ecoAmerica:

ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate provides guidance and support to climate activists as they seek to expand public support and political resolve for equitable and effective climate solutions. Let’s Talk Climate features seven topics: nature/science, health, communities, faith, politics, people, and leadership in rotating weekly sessions with empowering information and fresh ideas. Join us at this critical time and invite your friends and colleagues to take part as together we build momentum toward our goal of getting every American to make climate solutions a priority in their lives.

Register to watch live and submit questions for the speakers.