National Democratic Environmental Groups

National DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council

Calls to action, packed newsletters, in-person and virtual events, more.

More information and sign up.

Democrats Abroad Environment and Climate Crisis Council

Comprised of Democrats living abroad concerned with the existential threats of climate change and environmental degradation. DA ECCC advocates for systemic climate and environmental policies within the global Democratic community. They also host excellent monthly livestreams.

More information and sign up.

Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus

National Environmental Caucus representing Democrats under the age of 36 throughout the United States of America. Contact Chairman Paul Presendieu via to get involved.

Click to learn more.

College Democrats of America Environmental Caucus

College students from across the country working to tackle the climate crisis and lobby for effective climate legislation.

Contact for more details.

High School Democrats of America
Climate Change Task Force

National Climate Change Task Force for the High School Democrats of America. Please contact Talia Richmond via to learn more and join their movement.

Click to learn more.